
Showing posts from November, 2020

Don't Use Dark Web FBI Will Catch You? How?

  You finally picked up the courage to visit the dark web and you took every necessary precaution to stay invisible to the authorities. At first, you were only going to look around and not actually purchase anything, but after a few of your buddies came around to your house you all decided you’d buy a big bag of illegal pills…not only that, after a few drinks. You weren’t concerned, you used a VPN, your IP address couldn’t be seen by any prying eyes.  And then, BOOM, one day the cops burst through your door. How on Earth did that happen? How did they find you? That’s what we’ll discuss today. 5. HackingFirst of all, you should know that a lot of people use the dark web for good reasons. Maybe they are journalists or political dissidents in countries with strict regimes, so some human rights advocates are happy that the authorities can't find people on the dark web. That’s why it was controversial when a cybercriminal named Eric Eoin Marques was arrested in 2013 and later got a pris

How to actually escape from a Maximum Security Penitentiary? How?

  The year is 2015 and Mexican crime kingpin Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán is making his way through a   tunnel that stretches from his shower stall at Federal Social Readaptation Center No.1 maximum-security prison to a construction site not far away. This may have been the most brazen, and most costly, prison escape of all time. Sure, in 1962, three men may have successfully escaped Alcatraz   Federal Penitentiary, but did they really survive the cold water and live a full and fruitful life on the outside? The jury is still out on that one. As for El Chapo, his freedom didn’t last long and right now he has less chance of breaching his new prison walls than gold bullion stands a chance of walking out of Fort Knox. Maximum security is no joke, and today you’ll find out why.   Before we talk about the impossible, meaning escaping from the most secure facilities out there, let’s have a look at some examples of when prisoners managed to escape – if only for a short time.One of the most feared

What if you didn't eat for a week? What?

  We all understand that our car needs fuel to keep it running. In the same way, our body also needs fuel, in the form of food, to power our continued existence. The food we consume provides us with a range of different nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, water, carbohydrates, fiber, fat, and protein.  These nutrients have varying uses, like keeping the organs healthy and operational, the brain in working order, and also ensuring our cells continue to regenerate. When a car runs out of gas, it stops running. What if the body runs out of gas? What happens? That’s what we’ll be looking at today, in this episode of The Infographics Show, What Would Happen if You Didn't Eat for a week? Before we answer this question, let’s first look at the recommended amount of food you should be eating on a normal day.  Calories are used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages, and according to the online health information website, Healthline, the average woman needs to consume rough

What if we used the 100% capacity of our brain? What ?

  You can do anything! Paint a masterpiece in a minute, learn every language in an hour, build a multi-billion dollar company overnight, and rule the world by tomorrow! Or is it because you're not using your brain at its full potential? This is 'What If,' and here's what your brain would be like at full capacity.  The brain, to say the least, is very complex. The brain, to say the least, is very complex. We've studied it for centuries, and we're still learning more of its secrets today. We've studied it for centuries, and we're still learning more of its secrets today. But be careful! The search for facts can sometimes lead to fiction. Brain size relates more to proportion than it does to intelligence. For example, here's your brain next to a whale's. Your brain is smaller than a whale because your body is smaller. However, your brain is structured in a way that enables you to survive, and succeed. We've seen what really smart people can do. 

what are the negative effects of doing maturbate? what?

  Hi, it's Vishal, So I wasn’t planning on ever doing an article on this topic, however… I get a lot of questions about it. So, today I’m going to discuss masturbation and how it affects your body, mind, and relationships. I’ll discuss the benefits, the negatives, what’s defined as “excess” masturbation, and the difference between having an organism through masturbating vs intercourse. And trust me, IF you’re someone who masturbates-- a little or a lot -- man or woman -- you’ll definitely want to read this. However, before I continue … if you aren't already, please make sure you subscribe to my website right now while it's fresh on your mind because I’ve got some very important videos coming out soon about this topic and similar topics and I don’t want you to miss out. Benefits Of MasturbationMaturbation is very natural and most people do it.  In fact, your body NEEDS to have an orgasm and that’s what “wet dreams” are. It happens more often to men because of their higher te

What happen when you are infected by COVID-19 virus?What?

  This is SARS CoV-2. It belongs to the family of coronaviruses,  named for crownlike spikes on their surfaces. SARS CoV-2 can cause COVID-19, a contagious viral infection that attacks primarily your throat and lungs. What actually happens in your body when you contract the coronavirus? What exactly causes your body to develop pneumonia? And how would a vaccine work? The coronavirus must infect living cells in order to reproduce.  Let's have a closer look. Inside the virus, genetic material contains the information to make more copies of itself. A protein shell provides a hard protective enclosure for the genetic material as the virus travels between the people it infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell's outer membrane. Projecting from the envelope are spikes of protein molecules. Both a typical influenza virus and the new coronavirus use their spikes like a key to get inside a cell in your body, where it takes over its internal mac